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The European Series - Heritage Books
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Finding Your Australian Ancestors - Kerry Farmer
A detailed description of how to research your family in Australian records. Learn about history, civil registration, church records, immigration (“free” and convict), as well as other records.
Book #HV15, 314 pages, 2016
Finding your Danish Ancestors: A Primer for Research & History - Diana Crisman Smith
This book provides a foundation for Danish genealogy research…historical background, patronymic naming system, calendar changes, general Danish genealogical terminology, Danish records & repositories, and much more.
Book #HV1, 185 pages, 2015
Finding your Dutch Ancestors: A Primer for Research & History - Esther Perry & Susanna de Groot
The most reliable records for The Netherlands are available with a visit to any Family History Center. This book presents a sound strategy to prepare for a thorough and productive research experience.
Book #HV09, 151 pages, 3rd edition, 2007
Finding Your Eastern European Ancestors: Introduction to Research for North Americans - Lisa Alzo
A vast number of immigrants from came to North America from various areas in Central and Eastern Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Those with Eastern European roots have been reticent to begin research on their immigrant ancestors due to perceived barriers of language, geography, and difficulty with accessing and understanding the records. This book introduces the basic genealogical concepts that is pertinent to be successful in Eastern European research.
Book #HV14, 168 pages, 2015
Finding Your German Ancestors - Dr. Hans W. Rerup
To successfully research families in Germany, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the configurations of the various parts of Germany during the period of time of the lives of your ancestors.
Book #HV08, 163 pages, 2nd edition, 2002
Finding Your Italian Ancestors - Melanie D. Holtz
So you want to research your Italian ancestors! Italian family history research can be done by anyone, whether you know the Italian language or not.
Book #HV12, 188 pages, 3rd edition, 2014
Finding Your Jewish Ancestors - Jennifer Alford
Researching Jewish ancestors may seem to be a daunting task especially considering the Holocaust and the incredible destruction of lives, synagogues, and cemeteries in Europe. This book provides a solid foundation to finding Jewish ancestors and the types of records available for research.
Book #HV07, 178 pages, 2nd edition, 2017
Finding Your New Zealand Ancestors - Kerry Farmer
Learn how to research ancestors in New Zealand. Includes information about the historical background, births, deaths and marriages records, wills and cemetery records, immigration and naturalisation, and military records, in addition to archives held by government and non-government institutions.
Book #HV16, 310 pages, 2016
Finding Your Polish Ancestors - Kathleen Ann LaBudie-Szakall & Jan Steven Zaleski
Successful Polish research is easiest when the ancestral village is known and the parish records have been microfilmed, but persistence and the right strategies can overcome many of the most common pitfalls. This book will provide resources available to help you research your ancestors.
Book #HV10, 355 pages, 1st edition, Updated 2003
Finding Your Scandinavian Ancestors - Dr. Penelope Christensen
Scandinavian ancestors are some of the easiest to find because they left detailed records which have been well preserved and are easily available at Family History Centers. This book guides you to your ancestors in Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Book #HV06, 188 pages, 3rd edition, 2009
Finding Your Slovak Ancestors - Lisa Alzo
A vast number of Slovaks settled in North America during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, countless numbers of descendants of these early Slovak immigrants are searching for their Slovak roots. This book lists both traditional and online resources necessary for researching Slovak ancestors, and shows how to document and preserve your findings for future generations.
Book #HV04, 406 pages, 2005
Finding Your South African Ancestors, Including Military Resources - Audrey Portman
This book covers the history of South Africa, genealogical sources & repositories for searching your ancestors. It not only includes general genealogical topics, but also major wars and conflicts.
Book #HV13, 302 pages, 2015
What Did They Do? In Danish... - John E. Herl
Was your ancestor an Arrestforvalter? Or was he an Udskrivningschef? Or a Ministeriicandidatus? This book is a compendium of English translations and explanations of ancient & modern Danish names of occupations, officials and descriptions for family historians.
Book #HV05, 161 pages, 2003
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